US University Success System 美国大学求学成功系统方

This system will help ensure your success when attending a US University by giving you the tools and techniques that have been proven to help students just like you!


Dr. Mitchell has worked with thousands of students around the globe and now you will have the opportunity to learn what he has learned helps ensure the success of students around the globe. For this specific program, Dr. Mitchell has interviewed hundreds of honor students and Chinese nationals who have been successful in the university system. From this information he has created this custom program designed to provide you all the skills required to succeed at your college education.

Mitchell(米契欧)博士与全球数万学生合作过,现在你有机会向他学到的内容帮助了世界各国学生的成功。针对这一特定项目,Mitchell (米契欧)博士已经采访了在大学体系中获得成功的数百位菁英学生和中国人。从这些信息中,他特别制定了这一项目,为你提供了获得大学教育成功所需的所有技巧。

To help ensure clear understanding, the slides have been translated into Mandarin.


Join the hundreds of other successful honor students across the globe by signing up and implementing these critical skills into your success habits.



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